Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Custom Machinima - Transformation, Destruction, Change

Found Machinima - Explosions. Transform. Destroy. Change

3D Field and hypothesis

An explosion will transform, destroy and
change the atmosphere, appearance
and maybe even the presence of an
environment. The porosity that exists
within a field of objects will change
dramatically as the explosion will alter
the relationship they have with each other.

GMod Experiments

Monday, August 4, 2008

Machinima - 'Pathfinders Episode 6: Black Friday'

This example of machinima shows that explosions drastically change the environment in which it occurs. This shift of environment therefore affects the actions of everyone in the environment. The artillery shells that explode on the rooftops in this clip show that explosions can come from just about anywhere to cause complete chaos. Throughout this video, you can see the damage that explosions cause on buildings and people within the targeted environment as well as the chain of events that one explosion can trigger.